World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

341 Proverbs about Leave / Page 3

41. He studies the Bible of fifty-two leaves.. Dutch Proverb. He studies the Bible of fifty-two leaves.
Dutch Proverb

42. Our time runs on like a stream; first fall the leaves and then the tree.. Dutch Proverb. Our time runs on like a stream; first fall the leaves and then the tree.
Dutch Proverb

43. The magpie cannot leave her hopping.. Dutch Proverb. The magpie cannot leave her hopping.
Dutch Proverb

44. They who come from afar have leave to lie.. Dutch Proverb. They who come from afar have leave to lie.
Dutch Proverb

45. Better leave to my faes than beg frae my friends.. Scottish Proverb. Better leave to my faes than beg frae my friends.
Scottish Proverb

46. Leave welcome behind you.. Scottish Proverb. Leave welcome behind you.
Scottish Proverb

47. Leave aff as lang as the play's good.. Scottish Proverb. Leave aff as lang as the play's good.
Scottish Proverb

48. In a good time I speak it, in a better I leave it.. Scottish Proverb. In a good time I speak it, in a better I leave it.
Scottish Proverb

49. Leave the court ere the court leave you.. Scottish Proverb. Leave the court ere the court leave you.
Scottish Proverb

50. Leave a great talker in the middle of the street.. English Proverb. Leave a great talker in the middle of the street.
English Proverb

51. Green leaves and brown leaves fall from the same tree.. English Proverb. Green leaves and brown leaves fall from the same tree.
English Proverb

52. Deeds are fruits, words are leaves.. English Proverb. Deeds are fruits, words are leaves.
English Proverb

53. Beauty may have fair leaves, yet bitter fruit.. English Proverb. Beauty may have fair leaves, yet bitter fruit.
English Proverb

54. For a morning rain leave not your journey.. English Proverb. For a morning rain leave not your journey.
English Proverb

55. Thrift is a great revenue. a little, often, leaves wrinkles in the purse.. English Proverb. Thrift is a great revenue. a little, often, leaves wrinkles in the purse.
English Proverb

56. Although shrimps may dance around, they do not leave the river.. English Proverb. Although shrimps may dance around, they do not leave the river.
English Proverb

57. He quits his place well that leaves his friend there.. English Proverb. He quits his place well that leaves his friend there.
English Proverb

58. A chameleon does not leave one tree until he is sure of another.. Arab Proverb. A chameleon does not leave one tree until he is sure of another.
Arab Proverb

59. A secret is like a dove: when it leaves my hand it takes wing.. Arab Proverb. A secret is like a dove: when it leaves my hand it takes wing.
Arab Proverb

60. The chameleon does not leave one tree until he is sure of another.. Arab Proverb. The chameleon does not leave one tree until he is sure of another.
Arab Proverb

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