World Proverbs

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2621 Proverbs about Thin / Page 5

81. Everything in time comes to him who knows how to wait.. French Proverb. Everything in time comes to him who knows how to wait.
French Proverb

82. Everything may be bought except day and night.. French Proverb. Everything may be bought except day and night.
French Proverb

83. Fair things are soon snatched away.. French Proverb. Fair things are soon snatched away.
French Proverb

84. Fair without, foul within.. French Proverb. Fair without, foul within.
French Proverb

85. Fat broth cannot be made of nothing.. French Proverb. Fat broth cannot be made of nothing.
French Proverb

86. God and man think him a fool who brags of his of his own great wisdom.. French Proverb. God and man think him a fool who brags of his of his own great wisdom.
French Proverb

87. He forgot nothing except to say farewell.. French Proverb. He forgot nothing except to say farewell.
French Proverb

88. He goes safely who has nothing.. French Proverb. He goes safely who has nothing.
French Proverb

89. He has nothing who has not enough.. French Proverb. He has nothing who has not enough.
French Proverb

90. He is a very bad manager of honey who leaves nothing to lick off his fingers.. French Proverb. He is a very bad manager of honey who leaves nothing to lick off his fingers.
French Proverb

91. He is like a silver pin, Fair without, but foul within.. French Proverb. He is like a silver pin, Fair without, but foul within.
French Proverb

92. He is rich enough who owes nothing.. French Proverb. He is rich enough who owes nothing.
French Proverb

93. He is the wisest man who does not think himself so.. French Proverb. He is the wisest man who does not think himself so.
French Proverb

94. He needs say nothing about the score who pays nothing.. French Proverb. He needs say nothing about the score who pays nothing.
French Proverb

95. He ruins himself in promises, and clears himself by giving nothing.. French Proverb. He ruins himself in promises, and clears himself by giving nothing.
French Proverb

96. He sleeps securely who has nothing to lose.. French Proverb. He sleeps securely who has nothing to lose.
French Proverb

97. He slumbers enough who does nothing.. French Proverb. He slumbers enough who does nothing.
French Proverb

98. He who carries nothing loses nothing.. French Proverb. He who carries nothing loses nothing.
French Proverb

99. He who dispraises a thing, wants to buy it.. French Proverb. He who dispraises a thing, wants to buy it.
French Proverb

100. He who does nothing does ill.. French Proverb. He who does nothing does ill.
French Proverb

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