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628 Proverbs about Woman / Page 30

581. The ideal is a four year old dog, an eight year old horse, an eighteen year old woman and a twenty eight year old man.. Sicilian Proverb. The ideal is a four year old dog, an eight year old horse, an eighteen year old woman and a twenty eight year old man.
Sicilian Proverb

582. A woman without love is like a rose without a scent.. Sicilian Proverb. A woman without love is like a rose without a scent.
Sicilian Proverb

583. A silent woman is a good woman.. Sicilian Proverb. A silent woman is a good woman.
Sicilian Proverb

584. For the man a great sweat, for the woman a great physical pain.. Sicilian Proverb. For the man a great sweat, for the woman a great physical pain.
Sicilian Proverb

585. A house without a woman impoverishes.. Sicilian Proverb. A house without a woman impoverishes.
Sicilian Proverb

586. You fool an old woman once; the next time she shuts the door on you.. Sicilian Proverb. You fool an old woman once; the next time she shuts the door on you.
Sicilian Proverb

587. A self confident woman will soon be married.. Sicilian Proverb. A self confident woman will soon be married.
Sicilian Proverb

588. Better a woman who is dark-skinned and gracious, than one who is light-skinned and insipid.. Sicilian Proverb. Better a woman who is dark-skinned and gracious, than one who is light-skinned and insipid.
Sicilian Proverb

589. God protect you from the man who looks down at the ground and the woman who looks up to heaven.. Sicilian Proverb. God protect you from the man who looks down at the ground and the woman who looks up to heaven.
Sicilian Proverb

590. Salt comes from the sea and every bad thing comes from the woman.. Sicilian Proverb. Salt comes from the sea and every bad thing comes from the woman.
Sicilian Proverb

591. Being in love with a married woman is living on borrowed time.. Sicilian Proverb. Being in love with a married woman is living on borrowed time.
Sicilian Proverb

592. The woman without a husband doesn't have a friend.. Sicilian Proverb. The woman without a husband doesn't have a friend.
Sicilian Proverb

593. The man brings the good, but the woman maintains it.. Sicilian Proverb. The man brings the good, but the woman maintains it.
Sicilian Proverb

594. A woman who dresses up and puts on makeup is either in love or a clean whore.. Sicilian Proverb. A woman who dresses up and puts on makeup is either in love or a clean whore.
Sicilian Proverb

595. There isn't a Pentecost without a Sirocco nor a woman without a bow.. Sicilian Proverb. There isn't a Pentecost without a Sirocco nor a woman without a bow.
Sicilian Proverb

596. Leave the hot fire and help the woman in labor.. Sicilian Proverb. Leave the hot fire and help the woman in labor.
Sicilian Proverb

597. Don't trust a woman who laughs.. Sicilian Proverb. Don't trust a woman who laughs.
Sicilian Proverb

598. A woman who laughs at you has said yes.. Sicilian Proverb. A woman who laughs at you has said yes.
Sicilian Proverb

599. A woman of thirty is not tempted by the devil.. Sicilian Proverb. A woman of thirty is not tempted by the devil.
Sicilian Proverb

600. A woman who hugs and squeezes you has deceived you or is seeking to deceive you.. Sicilian Proverb. A woman who hugs and squeezes you has deceived you or is seeking to deceive you.
Sicilian Proverb

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