16 African Proverbs about Anger
All African Proverbs | Proverbs about Anger1. A stranger has big eyes but sees nothing.
2. If a frog leaves the swamp for the mountains, it means it is in danger.
3. Anger against a brother is felt in the flesh, not in the bone.
4. A regular fighter who discords peace is bound to be fought by his own anger.
5. Any weapon is dangerous even to a person handling it.
6. He who angers you controls you.
7. If two brothers fight over their father's land, it is a stranger who will enjoy there sweat and labour.
8. It is odd for a dog to look unconcerned when a sheep is barking at a stranger.
9. It's better to flee danger and be laughed at than to face danger and be mourned.
10. Never travel with a friend who disserts you at the notice of danger.
11. No matter how hot your anger may be it cannot cook.
12. The danger that threatens the hunting dog, threatens the hunter too.
13. The strongest person among men is not he who fights everyone but is he who controls is anger.
14. Travel makes one a stranger.
15. When you're a stranger in a land, if good comes to it may you have you share and if bad comes let it go to the owners of the land who know what gods should be appeased.
16. It is better to host a good stranger than a bad brother.
16 Proverbs
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