31 African Proverbs about Because
All African Proverbs | Proverbs about Because1. A proud heart can survive a general failure because such a failure does not prick its pride.
2. The river does not move straight because it is alone.
3. A butterfly thinks itself a bird because it can fly.
4. A cock says it's because of the situation it is faced with that it has its knees in the opposite direction.
5. A feather is just a delicate thing when removed from a bird because it carries the bird everywhere in the world.
6. A palm wine taper does not stop tapping palm wine because he once fell from the top of a palm wine tree.
7. A parent should not give up modelling their children because the ancestors too never give up on us.
8. A person is a person because of other people.
9. A river doesn't run straight because there was nobody to advise it.
10. A second wife cannot celebrate the beating of the first wife because that same beating awaits her when the third wife arrives.
11. Be careful of the words you say each day, make sure each is nice and sweet, because may be in the days ahead, there will be some you'll have to eat.
12. Be careful of what you own because what you own might eventually own you.
13. Beware of time because it has the answers.
14. Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs.
15. Don't be stupid to replace wisdom with knowledge because you will lose understanding.
16. Don't laugh at the nakedness of our ancestors because before their eyes we're all naked for our spirits belong to them.
17. Don't respond to a mosquito bit with a stone because you will miss it and hunt yourself.
18. Don't tell your important secret to your friend because your friend has his other friends as well.
19. Evil prospers because good men fail to act.
20. He who sacks his wife because she eats a lot will end up marrying a cannibal.
Proverbs about Because
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