15 African Proverbs about Goes
All African Proverbs | Proverbs about Goes1. If you want to know how the true story goes, wait till the arguments start.
2. The snail leaves its trail wherever it goes.
3. Wherever man goes to dwell his character goes with him.
4. A kola nut is small, but it is more important that it goes round to each person and not that it fills the stomach.
5. A rat never goes near a cat's celebration venue.
6. A wise saying goes without say.
7. Good music goes with good food.
8. Happy is a man who goes hunting for rats and catches an elephant.
9. He who doesn't listen to advise from others goes to his parents in-law smeared with faeces.
10. He who eats an egg foregoes a future meal of chicken soup.
11. No sin goes unpunished.
12. The house rat who goes swimming with his friend the lizard will die from cold.
13. The visitor who goes away without eating never comes back.
14. There is no day that goes without the moon and no day that goes without sunrise and sunset.
15. The wealth of the greedy ultimately goes to the community.
15 Proverbs
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