World Proverbs / Chinese Proverbs

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9 Chinese Proverbs about Walking

All Chinese Proverbs | Proverbs about Walking

1. Avoid suspicion: when you're walking through your neighbor's melon patch, don't tie your shoe.. Chinese Proverb. Avoid suspicion: when you're walking through your neighbor's melon patch, don't tie your shoe.
Chinese Proverb

2. One step at a time is good walking.. Chinese Proverb. One step at a time is good walking.
Chinese Proverb

3. The man who does not learn is dark, like one walking in the night.. Chinese Proverb. The man who does not learn is dark, like one walking in the night.
Chinese Proverb

4. Avoid suspicion: when you're walking through your neighbor's melon patch, don't tie your shoe.. Chinese Proverb. Avoid suspicion: when you're walking through your neighbor's melon patch, don't tie your shoe.
Chinese Proverb

5. Don't look back when you are walking along the edge of a wall.. Chinese Proverb. Don't look back when you are walking along the edge of a wall.
Chinese Proverb

6. You can't look at the stars while you are walking if you have a stone in your shoe.. Chinese Proverb. You can't look at the stars while you are walking if you have a stone in your shoe.
Chinese Proverb

7. Life is a dream walking, death is going home.. Chinese Proverb. Life is a dream walking, death is going home.
Chinese Proverb

8. All of life is a dream walking, all of death is a going home.. Chinese Proverb. All of life is a dream walking, all of death is a going home.
Chinese Proverb

9. Road is made by people walking on the ground.. Chinese Proverb. Road is made by people walking on the ground.
Chinese Proverb

9 Proverbs
Proverbs about Walking

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