World Proverbs / Dutch Proverbs

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8 Dutch Proverbs about Hands

All Dutch Proverbs | Proverbs about Hands

1. He that is at sea has not the wind in his hands.. Dutch Proverb. He that is at sea has not the wind in his hands.
Dutch Proverb

2. It's hard to catch hawks with empty hands.. Dutch Proverb. It's hard to catch hawks with empty hands.
Dutch Proverb

3. Many hands make light work.. Dutch Proverb. Many hands make light work.
Dutch Proverb

4. Handsome apples are sometimes sour.. Dutch Proverb. Handsome apples are sometimes sour.
Dutch Proverb

5. Handsome is as handsome does.. Dutch Proverb. Handsome is as handsome does.
Dutch Proverb

6. Sitting with the hands in the hair.. Dutch Proverb. Sitting with the hands in the hair.
Dutch Proverb

7. Having two left hands.. Dutch Proverb. Having two left hands.
Dutch Proverb

8. They are two hands on one belly.. Dutch Proverb. They are two hands on one belly.
Dutch Proverb

8 Proverbs
Proverbs about Hands

Quotes related to Hands by Power Quotations