34 French Proverbs about Money
All French Proverbs | Proverbs about Money1. Do not lend your money to a great man.
2. He that has not money in his purse should have honey in his mouth.
3. He who has money has capers.
4. Love does much, money everything.
5. Love, a cough, smoke, and money, cannot long be hid.
6. Money advances meacocks.
7. Money borrowed is soon sorrowed.
8. Money burns many.
9. Money is a good servant but a had master.
10. Money is lost only for want of money.
11. Money is round, it must roll.
12. Money makes dogs dance.
13. Money makes money.
14. Money makes the mare to go.
15. Nobility is nothing but ancient riches, and money is the world's idol.
16. One never gets more than one's money's worth of anything.
17. Ready money works great cures.
18. The money paid, the workman's arm is broken.
19. Touch not another man's money, for the most honest never added to it.
20. Women, money, and wine have their balm and their harm.
Proverbs about Money
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