77 French Proverbs about Nothing
All French Proverbs | Proverbs about Nothing1. A colt is good for nothing if it does not break its halter.
2. A Montgomery division: all on one side, nothing on the other.
3. All state, and nothing on the plate.
4. Civility costs nothing.
5. Fat broth cannot be made of nothing.
6. He forgot nothing except to say farewell.
7. He goes safely who has nothing.
8. He has nothing who has not enough.
9. He is a very bad manager of honey who leaves nothing to lick off his fingers.
10. He is rich enough who owes nothing.
11. He needs say nothing about the score who pays nothing.
12. He ruins himself in promises, and clears himself by giving nothing.
13. He sleeps securely who has nothing to lose.
14. He slumbers enough who does nothing.
15. He who carries nothing loses nothing.
16. He who does nothing does ill.
17. He who has not health has nothing.
18. He who has nothing fears nothing.
19. It is nothing at all, only a woman drowning.
20. No one is so generous as he who has nothing to give.
Proverbs about Nothing
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