36 Scottish Proverbs about Auld
All Scottish Proverbs | Proverbs about Auld1. A dish o' married love right sune grows cauld, and dosens drown to nane as folk grow auld.
2. Hunger's gude kitchen to a cauld potato, but a wet divot to the lowe o' love.
3. Best to be off wi' the auld love before we be on wi' the new.
4. Fortune aye favours the active and bauld.
5. If you would be a merchant fine, beware o' auld horses, herring, and wine.
6. Auld wives and bairns mak fools o' physicians.
7. He's auld an' cauld an' ill to lie beside.
8. An auld mason makes a good barrow-man.
9. An auld sack craves much clouting.
10. An auld pock is aye skailing.
11. An auld dog bites sicker.
12. As the auld cock craws the young one learns.
13. Auld men are twice bairns.
14. Auld sparrows are ill to tame.
15. Better auld debts than auld sairs.
16. Every man's tale is good till anither's be tauld.
17. His auld brass will buy a new pan.
18. It is a' tint that is done to auld folk and bairns.
19. Nae fool to an auld fool.
20. There is an end of an auld sang.
Proverbs about Auld
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