24 Scottish Proverbs about Makes
All Scottish Proverbs | Proverbs about Makes1. Willful waste makes woeful want.
2. It's sin and not poverty that makes men miserable.
3. Plenty makes dainty.
4. War makes thieves, and peace hangs them.
5. Give and take makes good friends.
6. A blate cat makes a proud mouse.
7. A blythe heart makes a blooming look.
8. Ae swallow makes nae simmer.
9. A light purse makes a heavy heart.
10. An auld mason makes a good barrow-man.
11. A toom purse makes a pratling merchant.
12. A toom pantry makes a thriftless gudewife.
13. Money makes a man free every where.
14. Scant of cheeks makes a long nose.
15. Scorn makes commonly with skaith.
16. The master's eye makes the horse fat.
17. Wit bought makes folk wise.
18. A blyth heart makes a blomand visage.
19. Giff, gaff, makes good friends.
20. Light supper makes long life.
Proverbs about Makes
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