World Proverbs / Scottish Proverbs

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15 Scottish Proverbs about Winna

All Scottish Proverbs | Proverbs about Winna

1. He that winna be ruled by the rudder maun be ruled by the rock.. Scottish Proverb. He that winna be ruled by the rudder maun be ruled by the rock.
Scottish Proverb

2. God keep ill gear out o' my hands; for if my hand ance get it, my heart winna part wi't, sae prayed the gude earl of eglinton.. Scottish Proverb. God keep ill gear out o' my hands; for if my hand ance get it, my heart winna part wi't, sae prayed the gude earl of eglinton.
Scottish Proverb

3. A dog winna youl if ye fell him wi' a bane.. Scottish Proverb. A dog winna youl if ye fell him wi' a bane.
Scottish Proverb

4. Fair words winna gar the pot boil.. Scottish Proverb. Fair words winna gar the pot boil.
Scottish Proverb

5. He's a proud fox that winna scrape his ain hole.. Scottish Proverb. He's a proud fox that winna scrape his ain hole.
Scottish Proverb

6. He's the gear that winna traik.. Scottish Proverb. He's the gear that winna traik.
Scottish Proverb

7. He that winna when he may shanna when he wad.. Scottish Proverb. He that winna when he may shanna when he wad.
Scottish Proverb

8. He that winna thole maun flit mony a hole.. Scottish Proverb. He that winna thole maun flit mony a hole.
Scottish Proverb

9. He winna send you away with a sair heart.. Scottish Proverb. He winna send you away with a sair heart.
Scottish Proverb

10. Fair words winna mak the pat bile.. Scottish Proverb. Fair words winna mak the pat bile.
Scottish Proverb

11. Hawks winna pike out hawks' een.. Scottish Proverb. Hawks winna pike out hawks' een.
Scottish Proverb

12. He that cheats in daffin winna be honest in earnest.. Scottish Proverb. He that cheats in daffin winna be honest in earnest.
Scottish Proverb

13. I winna mak a toil o' a pleasure, quo' the man when he buried his wife and was asked to speed it up.. Scottish Proverb. I winna mak a toil o' a pleasure, quo' the man when he buried his wife and was asked to speed it up.
Scottish Proverb

14. If it winna be a gude shoe we'll mak a bauchel o't.. Scottish Proverb. If it winna be a gude shoe we'll mak a bauchel o't.
Scottish Proverb

15. Ill won gear winna enrich the third heir.. Scottish Proverb. Ill won gear winna enrich the third heir.
Scottish Proverb

15 Proverbs
Proverbs about Winna

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