10 Angolan Proverbs
1. Any visitor to the country who drinks from the River Bengo will never want to leave.
2. Chance all; see what destiny yields.
3. He who goes to Our Lady of Muxima with an evil heart risks being drowned crossing the river to get there.
4. It is the voyage not the ship that matters.
5. One spoon of soup in need has more value than a pot of soup when we have an abundance of food.
6. The mysterious road beckons the young man.
7. The one who throws the stone forgets; the one who is hit remembers forever.
8. The real journey of discovery begins in old age.
9. The squirrel does not talk back to the elephant.
10. To be sure that your friend is a friend, you must go with him on a journey, travel with him day and night, go with him near and far.
10 Angolan Proverbs