12 Ekonda Proverbs
1. A trial between brothers has no winners or losers.
2. Between brothers, whether the trial is won or lost, makes no difference.
3. Do not grab your heel until the ant has bitten you.
4. If a father does not cultivate, the son does not inherit land.
5. If the metal is not good, you cannot take it out on the blacksmith.
6. If you want to clear the land secretly, the noise of the axe will give you away.
7. The leopard does not eat fish.
8. The sore is cured but the scar remains.
9. To form a dog is the ruin of education.
10. When your finger is in pain, your sight is not lazy.
11. When your neighbour is wrong you point a finger, but when you are wrong you hide.
12. Who gets lost in the forest takes it out on who leads him back to the right road.
12 Ekonda Proverbs