50 French Proverbs about Little
All French Proverbs | Proverbs about Little1. A brain is worth little without a tongue.
2. A little absence does much good.
3. A little dinner, long expected and cold, is by no means given, but dearly sold.
4. A little gall spoils a great deal of honey.
5. A little help does a great deal.
6. A little leaven leavens a great mass.
7. A little man fells a great oak.
8. A little man sometimes casts a long shadow.
9. A little pack serves a little pedlar.
10. A little rain stills a great wind.
11. A little sheep always seems young.
12. A little spark shines in the dark.
13. A little thing often helps.
14. A thing too much seen is little prized.
15. A woman who looks much in the glass spins but little.
16. At a little fountain one drinks at one's ease.
17. God puts a good root in the little pig's way.
18. Great boaster, little doer.
19. Great boasters, little doers.
20. Great talkers, little doers.
Proverbs about Little
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