253 Greek Proverbs
1. A beard signifies lice, not brains.
2. A cat with gloves never catches mice.
3. A different man, a different taste.
4. A dove has no place amongst the crows.
5. A drop of wisdom is better than a sea of gold.
6. A drowning man takes hold of his own hair.
7. A fat belly did not invent gun powder.
8. A fox is not caught twice in the same snare.
9. A gift, though small, is welcome.
10. A goat thief came along and they put him in jail.
11. A good bird begins chirping while in the egg.
12. A lazy tailor finds his thread too long.
13. A library is a repository of medicine for the mind.
14. A lucky person is someone who plants pebbles and harvests potatoes.
15. A mad bull is not to be tied up with a packthread.
16. A man with a skinny wife is a deceitful man.
17. A miser and a liar bargain quickly.
18. A miser is ever in want.
19. A poor man who takes a rich wife has a ruler, not a wife.
20. A priest blesses his own bread first.