World Proverbs / Italian Proverbs

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38 Italian Proverbs about Great

All Italian Proverbs | Proverbs about Great

1. A great church and little devotion.. Italian Proverb. A great church and little devotion.
Italian Proverb

2. A great liar has need of good memory.. Italian Proverb. A great liar has need of good memory.
Italian Proverb

3. A great man will not trample on a worm, nor sneak to an emperor.. Italian Proverb. A great man will not trample on a worm, nor sneak to an emperor.
Italian Proverb

4. A little gall make a great deal of honey bitter.. Italian Proverb. A little gall make a great deal of honey bitter.
Italian Proverb

5. A little stone overturns a great cart.. Italian Proverb. A little stone overturns a great cart.
Italian Proverb

6. A little stream drives a great mill.. Italian Proverb. A little stream drives a great mill.
Italian Proverb

7. At a great pennyworth pause awhile.. Italian Proverb. At a great pennyworth pause awhile.
Italian Proverb

8. At a great river be the last to pass.. Italian Proverb. At a great river be the last to pass.
Italian Proverb

9. Buy the bed of a great debtor.. Italian Proverb. Buy the bed of a great debtor.
Italian Proverb

10. Even the sea. great as it is, grows calm.. Italian Proverb. Even the sea. great as it is, grows calm.
Italian Proverb

11. Great cry and little wool, as the man said who shaved the sow.. Italian Proverb. Great cry and little wool, as the man said who shaved the sow.
Italian Proverb

12. Great griefs are mute.. Italian Proverb. Great griefs are mute.
Italian Proverb

13. Great smoke, little roast.. Italian Proverb. Great smoke, little roast.
Italian Proverb

14. Greater fools than they of Zago, who dunged the steeple to make it grow.. Italian Proverb. Greater fools than they of Zago, who dunged the steeple to make it grow.
Italian Proverb

15. He who in under cover when it rains is a great fool if he stirs.. Italian Proverb. He who in under cover when it rains is a great fool if he stirs.
Italian Proverb

16. He who would stop every man's mouth must have a great deal of meal.. Italian Proverb. He who would stop every man's mouth must have a great deal of meal.
Italian Proverb

17. It is the blood of the soldier that makes the general great.. Italian Proverb. It is the blood of the soldier that makes the general great.
Italian Proverb

18. Little children and headaches, great children and heartaches.. Italian Proverb. Little children and headaches, great children and heartaches.
Italian Proverb

19. Of the great and of the dead either speak will or say nothing.. Italian Proverb. Of the great and of the dead either speak will or say nothing.
Italian Proverb

20. Out of a great evil often comes a great good.. Italian Proverb. Out of a great evil often comes a great good.
Italian Proverb

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Proverbs about Great

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