World Proverbs / Italian Proverbs

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17 Italian Proverbs about Mill

All Italian Proverbs | Proverbs about Mill

1. A little stream drives a great mill.. Italian Proverb. A little stream drives a great mill.
Italian Proverb

2. A mill and a wife are always in want of something.. Italian Proverb. A mill and a wife are always in want of something.
Italian Proverb

3. A mill cannot grind with the water that is past.. Italian Proverb. A mill cannot grind with the water that is past.
Italian Proverb

4. Drink wine and let water go to the mill.. Italian Proverb. Drink wine and let water go to the mill.
Italian Proverb

5. Every one goes with his own sack to the mill.. Italian Proverb. Every one goes with his own sack to the mill.
Italian Proverb

6. He who goes to the mill gets befloured.. Italian Proverb. He who goes to the mill gets befloured.
Italian Proverb

7. Much water passes by the mill that the miller perceives not.. Italian Proverb. Much water passes by the mill that the miller perceives not.
Italian Proverb

8. The first at the mill grinds first.. Italian Proverb. The first at the mill grinds first.
Italian Proverb

9. The mill does not grind without water.. Italian Proverb. The mill does not grind without water.
Italian Proverb

10. The white coat does not make the miller.. Italian Proverb. The white coat does not make the miller.
Italian Proverb

11. There's no turning a windmill with a pair of bellows.. Italian Proverb. There's no turning a windmill with a pair of bellows.
Italian Proverb

12. When the millers are making an uproar, do you tie up your sacks.. Italian Proverb. When the millers are making an uproar, do you tie up your sacks.
Italian Proverb

13. Every miller draws the water to his own mill.. Italian Proverb. Every miller draws the water to his own mill.
Italian Proverb

14. Every one draws the water to his own mill.. Italian Proverb. Every one draws the water to his own mill.
Italian Proverb

15. Water past will not turn the mill.. Italian Proverb. Water past will not turn the mill.
Italian Proverb

16. Mills and wives are ever wanting.. Italian Proverb. Mills and wives are ever wanting.
Italian Proverb

17. The mills of god grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly small.. Italian Proverb. The mills of god grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly small.
Italian Proverb

17 Proverbs
Proverbs about Mill

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