17 Italian Proverbs about Think
All Italian Proverbs | Proverbs about Think1. A scalded dog thinks cold water hot.
2. Eating and drinking Shouldn't keep us from thinking.
3. Every bird thinks its own nest beautiful.
4. Every one thinks he has more than his share of brains.
5. Every one thinks himself without sin because he has not those of others.
6. Everyone thinks his own cross is heaviest.
7. Evil be to him who evil thinks.
8. He who is an ass and thinks himself a stag, finds his mistake when he comes to leap the ditch.
9. Lovers think others are blind.
10. The heart does not think all the mouth says.
11. The she-bear thinks her cubs pretty.
12. Think much, speak little and write less.
13. Who has never done thinking never begins doing.
14. You will not be loved if you think of yourself alone.
15. He is a fool who thinks that another does not think.
16. A mule that thinks he is a stag discovers his mistake when he comes to leap over the ditch.
17. He who thinks badly commits a sin but hits the mark.
17 Proverbs
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