World Proverbs / Japanese Proverbs

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8 Japanese Proverbs about Gold

All Japanese Proverbs | Proverbs about Gold

1. One written word is worth a thousand pieces of gold.. Japanese Proverb. One written word is worth a thousand pieces of gold.
Japanese Proverb

2. A good cat does not need a collar of gold.. Japanese Proverb. A good cat does not need a collar of gold.
Japanese Proverb

3. A wild goose may be worth a hundred pieces of gold, but you first have to spend three pieces of gold to buy an arrow.. Japanese Proverb. A wild goose may be worth a hundred pieces of gold, but you first have to spend three pieces of gold to buy an arrow.
Japanese Proverb

4. Don't take a golden sword to cut a radish.. Japanese Proverb. Don't take a golden sword to cut a radish.
Japanese Proverb

5. Even a fool knows the glow of gold.. Japanese Proverb. Even a fool knows the glow of gold.
Japanese Proverb

6. Giving gold coins to a cat.. Japanese Proverb. Giving gold coins to a cat.
Japanese Proverb

7. He who has gold is served by the devil.. Japanese Proverb. He who has gold is served by the devil.
Japanese Proverb

8. Half an hour in a spring evening is worth a thousand gold pieces.. Japanese Proverb. Half an hour in a spring evening is worth a thousand gold pieces.
Japanese Proverb

8 Proverbs
Proverbs about Gold

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