44 Maasai Proverbs
1. A lion can run faster than we can, but we can run farther.
2. A particle of goat dung cannot be eaten by a large gourd.
3. A proverb does not answer itself.
4. A zebra takes its stripes wherever it goes.
5. Be as familiar with observation as you are with the place you live.
6. Daylight follows a dark night.
7. Do not allow the belly to make you useless.
8. Do not sweep someone else's home while yours is dirty.
9. Don't fight a lion with a stick.
10. Don't pinch the heifer's vagina.
11. Don't praise tomorrow because tomorrow praises itself.
12. Don't reply one wrong with another.
13. Foolishness first, then wisdom.
14. Friendship likes distance.
15. Happiness is as good as food.
16. He is like a hyena's sinew.
17. He who is unable to dance says that the yard is stony.
18. Hide the mouthfuls of food.
19. Home is not far away when you are alive.
20. It is better to be poor and live long than to be rich and die young.