14 Nigerian Proverbs about Woman
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Proverbs about Woman1. 
"Now the marriage begins," says the woman who has been beaten with thorns.
A woman who has not been twice married cannot know what a perfect marriage is.
It is the woman whose child has been eaten by a witch who best knows the evils of witchcraft.
The advice of a woman ends with "Oh, if I had only known!"
The woman is cold water that kills you; deep water that you drown in.
When a woman has ten children, there is nothing that happens in the night that she does not know about.
Even an old woman may run when a goat carries her snuff-box.
When a woman cannot have good palm-nuts to give her rich oil, she still has to maintain decency in order to remain one of those that sell good quality oil.
A woman who is not successful in her own marriage has no advice to give to her younger generations.
When a woman prepares a dish which others find unpalatable, she says that she prepared it to suit her own taste.
The man that won't marry a woman with other admirers won't marry a woman at all.
When man pikin dey piss, him dey hold something for hand. Woman wey try-am, go piss for her hand.
An old woman is not old in a song she dances well.
A woman possessed by demons dreams of toads in red dancing shoes.
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