68 Serbian Proverbs
1. A clean pig makes lean bacon.
2. A dead man pays no debts.
3. A foolish fox is caught by one leg, but a wise one by all four.
4. A good deed is the best form of prayer.
5. A good reputation is better than a golden girdle.
6. A greedy father has thieves for children.
7. A greedy man God hates.
8. A man without enemies is worthless.
9. A thorn pierces young skin more quickly than old.
10. A tree near the road is easily cut down.
11. A wife is frightened of her first husband and a husband is frightened of his second wife.
12. After a trial one party is naked and the other without a shirt.
13. An empty knapsack is heavier to carry than a full one.
14. Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.
15. Believing is easier than investigating.
16. Better retreat in honor than advance in disgrace.
17. Better to blush once than pale a hundred times.
18. Complain to someone who can help you.
19. Do not measure the wolf's tail till he is dead.
20. Even the devil knows what is right, but he will not do it.