23 Spanish Proverbs about Need
All Spanish Proverbs | Proverbs about Need1. A blind man's wife needs no paint.
2. A good paymaster needs no security.
3. Do you want to buy cheap? Buy of a needy fool.
4. Good wine needs no crier.
5. He that is more civil than usual, either wants to cozen you or has need of you.
6. He who has to deal with a blockhead has need of much brains.
7. Needle and thread are half clothing.
8. Needs must when the devil drives.
9. No need to seek shelter for an old ox.
10. The buyer has need of a hundred eyes. the seller but one.
11. To a son-in-law and a hog you need show the way but once.
12. Good wines needs no bush.
13. Every pedlar praises his own needles.
14. Need makes the old woman trot.
15. He who deals with a blockhead will need a lot of brains.
16. He who is a Basque, a good Christian and has two mules, needs nothing more.
17. He who would be rich should not collect money, but reduce his needs.
18. Marriage is a little bit like buying melons, you need a little luck.
19. Memory is everyone's friend -- it leaves you when you need it most.
20. When two are in love, only one needs to eat.
Proverbs about Need
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