World Proverbs / Traditional Proverbs

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7 Traditional Proverbs about Talk

All Traditional Proverbs | Proverbs about Talk

1. Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.. Traditional Proverb. Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.
Traditional Proverb

2. People who have little to do are excessive talkers.. Traditional Proverb. People who have little to do are excessive talkers.
Traditional Proverb

3. Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear.. Traditional Proverb. Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear.
Traditional Proverb

4. Talk well of your friends and of your enemies say nothing.. Traditional Proverb. Talk well of your friends and of your enemies say nothing.
Traditional Proverb

5. Talking without thinking is like shooting without taking aim.. Traditional Proverb. Talking without thinking is like shooting without taking aim.
Traditional Proverb

6. The less people think the more they talk.. Traditional Proverb. The less people think the more they talk.
Traditional Proverb

7. Young people talk of what they are doing; old people of what they have done; and fools of what they have a mind to do.. Traditional Proverb. Young people talk of what they are doing; old people of what they have done; and fools of what they have a mind to do.
Traditional Proverb

7 Proverbs
Proverbs about Talk

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