World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

57 Proverbs about Eagle

1. Eagles do not breed doves.. German Proverb. Eagles do not breed doves.
German Proverb

2. The eagle does not catch flies.. German Proverb. The eagle does not catch flies.
German Proverb

3. Eagles don't catch flies.. German Proverb. Eagles don't catch flies.
German Proverb

4. No need to teach an eagle to fly.. Greek Proverb. No need to teach an eagle to fly.
Greek Proverb

5. The old age of an eagle is better than the youth of a sparrow.. Greek Proverb. The old age of an eagle is better than the youth of a sparrow.
Greek Proverb

6. An eagle's old age is worth a sparrow's youth.. Greek Proverb. An eagle's old age is worth a sparrow's youth.
Greek Proverb

7. Eagles don't catch flies.. Dutch Proverb. Eagles don't catch flies.
Dutch Proverb

8. Eagles catch no flies.. Dutch Proverb. Eagles catch no flies.
Dutch Proverb

9. Folly hath eagle's wings, but the eyes of an owl.. Dutch Proverb. Folly hath eagle's wings, but the eyes of an owl.
Dutch Proverb

10. Eagles do not breed doves.. Dutch Proverb. Eagles do not breed doves.
Dutch Proverb

11. Eagles catches nae fleas.. Scottish Proverb. Eagles catches nae fleas.
Scottish Proverb

12. A good surgeon has an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand.. English Proverb. A good surgeon has an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand.
English Proverb

13. Eagles don't catch flies.. English Proverb. Eagles don't catch flies.
English Proverb

14. The eagle does not catch flies.. English Proverb. The eagle does not catch flies.
English Proverb

15. Eagles fly alone.. English Proverb. Eagles fly alone.
English Proverb

16. One does not become a master diviner in a day. A forest is not made in a season. The swoop of an eagle has seen many seasons and floods.... Nigerian Proverb. One does not become a master diviner in a day. A forest is not made in a season. The swoop of an eagle has seen many seasons and floods...
Nigerian Proverb

17. A hen's curses have never killed the eagle.. African Proverb. A hen's curses have never killed the eagle.
African Proverb

18. A lazy chick that exposes itself will be a delicious meal for the eagle.. African Proverb. A lazy chick that exposes itself will be a delicious meal for the eagle.
African Proverb

19. If you borrow from an eagle you will always be looking up in the sky.. African Proverb. If you borrow from an eagle you will always be looking up in the sky.
African Proverb

20. It is only the eagle that can give an account of the whisper of the cloud.. African Proverb. It is only the eagle that can give an account of the whisper of the cloud.
African Proverb

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