World Proverbs

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173 Proverbs about Shoe

1. A nail secures the horse-shoe, the shoe the horse, the horse the man, the man the castle, and the castle the whole land.. German Proverb. A nail secures the horse-shoe, the shoe the horse, the horse the man, the man the castle, and the castle the whole land.
German Proverb

2. Doctor Luther's shoes do not fit every parish priest.. German Proverb. Doctor Luther's shoes do not fit every parish priest.
German Proverb

3. Everybody knows best where his own shoe pinches.. German Proverb. Everybody knows best where his own shoe pinches.
German Proverb

4. Everybody must wear out one pair of fool's shoes, if he wear no more.. German Proverb. Everybody must wear out one pair of fool's shoes, if he wear no more.
German Proverb

5. He who heeds not the lost shoe-nail, will soon lose the horse.. German Proverb. He who heeds not the lost shoe-nail, will soon lose the horse.
German Proverb

6. If the shoe fits, wear it.. German Proverb. If the shoe fits, wear it.
German Proverb

7. No one knows better where the shoe pinches that he who wears it.. German Proverb. No one knows better where the shoe pinches that he who wears it.
German Proverb

8. One shoe will not fit every foot.. German Proverb. One shoe will not fit every foot.
German Proverb

9. Look not out for dead men's shoes.. German Proverb. Look not out for dead men's shoes.
German Proverb

10. Shoemaker stick to your last.. German Proverb. Shoemaker stick to your last.
German Proverb

11. Don't throw away your old shoes until you have a new pair.. German Proverb. Don't throw away your old shoes until you have a new pair.
German Proverb

12. He who has no shoes dances in his socks.. German Proverb. He who has no shoes dances in his socks.
German Proverb

13. Don't scratch your shoe when it's your foot that itches.. Japanese Proverb. Don't scratch your shoe when it's your foot that itches.
Japanese Proverb

14. Look for a thrifty woman -- even though it may cost you a pair of shoes.. Japanese Proverb. Look for a thrifty woman -- even though it may cost you a pair of shoes.
Japanese Proverb

15. The prettiest of shoes makes a sorry hat.. Japanese Proverb. The prettiest of shoes makes a sorry hat.
Japanese Proverb

16. I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes -- until I met a man who had no feet.. Jewish Proverb. I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes -- until I met a man who had no feet.
Jewish Proverb

17. I was angered, for I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet.. Chinese Proverb. I was angered, for I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet.
Chinese Proverb

18. Three simple shoemakers equal one brilliant strategist.. Chinese Proverb. Three simple shoemakers equal one brilliant strategist.
Chinese Proverb

19. Avoid suspicion: when you're walking through your neighbor's melon patch, don't tie your shoe.. Chinese Proverb. Avoid suspicion: when you're walking through your neighbor's melon patch, don't tie your shoe.
Chinese Proverb

20. Reshape one's foot to try to fit into a new shoe.. Chinese Proverb. Reshape one's foot to try to fit into a new shoe.
Chinese Proverb

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