35 Italian Proverbs about Knows
All Italian Proverbs | Proverbs about Knows1. A fools knows his own business better than a wise man knows that of others.
2. He is not happy who knows it not.
3. He knows well where the thorn pricks him.
4. He knows where the devil carries his tail.
5. He knows where the devil has his tail.
6. He that at twenty is not, at thirty knows not, and at forty has not, will never be, nor ever know, nor ever have.
7. He who enjoys good health is rich, though he knows it not.
8. He who has crossed the ford knows how deep it is.
9. He who is in hell knows not what heaven is.
10. He who knows but little quickly tells it.
11. He who knows little quickly tells it.
12. He who knows nothing doubts nothing.
13. He who knows nothing knows enough, if he knows how to be silent.
14. He who knows nothing never doubts.
15. He who knows the road can ride full trot.
16. It is a good answer which knows when to stop.
17. Love knows not labour.
18. One devil knows another.
19. The fool knows more in his own house than the sage in other men's.
20. When the ship has sunk everyone knows how she might have been saved.
Proverbs about Knows
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