154 Kurdish Proverbs
1. A camel is not a animal and an Arab is not a human being.
2. A cup of coffee commits one to forty years of friendship.
3. A fool dreams of wealth, a wise man, of happiness.
4. A girl without a mother is like a mountain with no paths; a girl without a father is like a mountain with no streams.
5. A good companion shortens the longest road.
6. A heart in love with beauty never grows old.
7. A home without guests, a village without shepherds, both are hopeless indeed.
8. A hundred men can sit together quietly but when two dogs get together there will be a fight.
9. A hungry stomach has no ears.
10. A kind word warms a man through three winters.
11. A knife-wound heals, but a tongue-wound festers.
12. A man is as wise as his head, not his years.
13. A man is judged by his work.
14. A neighbor's hen looks as big as a goose, and his wife as young as a girl.
15. A red apple invites stones.
16. A shy woman is worth a city, a shy man is worth a goat.
17. A small key opens big doors.
18. A thief not caught becomes a king.
19. A thousand friends are too few; one enemy is one too many.
20. A threat does not lengthen your sword.