World Proverbs

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116 Proverbs about Broken

1. One link broken, the whole chain is broken.. German Proverb. One link broken, the whole chain is broken.
German Proverb

2. The fast faggot is not easily broken.. German Proverb. The fast faggot is not easily broken.
German Proverb

3. The pitcher goes so often to the well, that it gets broken at last.. German Proverb. The pitcher goes so often to the well, that it gets broken at last.
German Proverb

4. Better to be a crystal and to be broken, than to be a tile upon the housetop.. Japanese Proverb. Better to be a crystal and to be broken, than to be a tile upon the housetop.
Japanese Proverb

5. Fallen blossoms do not return to branches; a broken mirror does not again reflect.. Japanese Proverb. Fallen blossoms do not return to branches; a broken mirror does not again reflect.
Japanese Proverb

6. Eggs and vows are easily broken.. Japanese Proverb. Eggs and vows are easily broken.
Japanese Proverb

7. A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle.. Japanese Proverb. A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle.
Japanese Proverb

8. Eggs and promises are easily broken.. Japanese Proverb. Eggs and promises are easily broken.
Japanese Proverb

9. God is closest to those with broken hearts.. Jewish Proverb. God is closest to those with broken hearts.
Jewish Proverb

10. From a broken violin do not expect fine music.. Greek Proverb. From a broken violin do not expect fine music.
Greek Proverb

11. In a broken nest there are few whole eggs.. Chinese Proverb. In a broken nest there are few whole eggs.
Chinese Proverb

12. Whoever keeps his door locked all the time longs for it to be broken down.. Chinese Proverb. Whoever keeps his door locked all the time longs for it to be broken down.
Chinese Proverb

13. In the broken nest there are no whole eggs.. Chinese Proverb. In the broken nest there are no whole eggs.
Chinese Proverb

14. The pitcher doth not go so often to the well, but it comes home broken at last.. Chinese Proverb. The pitcher doth not go so often to the well, but it comes home broken at last.
Chinese Proverb

15. Keep your broken arm inside your sleeve.. Chinese Proverb. Keep your broken arm inside your sleeve.
Chinese Proverb

16. In face of evil, one would rather be a jade broken than a brick intact.. Chinese Proverb. In face of evil, one would rather be a jade broken than a brick intact.
Chinese Proverb

17. Better a leg broken than the neck.. Dutch Proverb. Better a leg broken than the neck.
Dutch Proverb

18. As broken a ship has come to land.. Scottish Proverb. As broken a ship has come to land.
Scottish Proverb

19. Broken freendships can be soother'd, but never soond.. Scottish Proverb. Broken freendships can be soother'd, but never soond.
Scottish Proverb

20. Don't mend what ain't broken.. English Proverb. Don't mend what ain't broken.
English Proverb

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