World Proverbs

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344 Proverbs about Door / Page 17

321. Once you have locked your door you are the emperor in your own domain.. Mongolian Proverb. Once you have locked your door you are the emperor in your own domain.
Mongolian Proverb

322. Every door has its own hinges.. Sicilian Proverb. Every door has its own hinges.
Sicilian Proverb

323. If you close the door, the devil will turn his back on you.. Sicilian Proverb. If you close the door, the devil will turn his back on you.
Sicilian Proverb

324. God save you from narrow doorways, a caning, stones thrown at the blind and the weighing of shop keepers.. Sicilian Proverb. God save you from narrow doorways, a caning, stones thrown at the blind and the weighing of shop keepers.
Sicilian Proverb

325. You fool an old woman once; the next time she shuts the door on you.. Sicilian Proverb. You fool an old woman once; the next time she shuts the door on you.
Sicilian Proverb

326. God closes a door and opens a portico.. Sicilian Proverb. God closes a door and opens a portico.
Sicilian Proverb

327. The door is always open to the bearer of gifts.. Sicilian Proverb. The door is always open to the bearer of gifts.
Sicilian Proverb

328. It's too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.. Traditional Proverb. It's too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Traditional Proverb

329. The back of one door is the face of another.. Traditional Proverb. The back of one door is the face of another.
Traditional Proverb

330. The charitable give out the door and God puts it back through the window.. Traditional Proverb. The charitable give out the door and God puts it back through the window.
Traditional Proverb

331. Three things drive a man outdoors; smoke, a leaking roof and a scolding wife.. Traditional Proverb. Three things drive a man outdoors; smoke, a leaking roof and a scolding wife.
Traditional Proverb

332. When one door shuts, another opens.. Traditional Proverb. When one door shuts, another opens.
Traditional Proverb

333. When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.. Traditional Proverb. When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.
Traditional Proverb

334. When poverty comes in the door love flies out the window.. Traditional Proverb. When poverty comes in the door love flies out the window.
Traditional Proverb

335. You can lock your door from a thief, but not from a damned liar.. Virgin Islander Proverb. You can lock your door from a thief, but not from a damned liar.
Virgin Islander Proverb

336. A herdsman needs a staff, a door needs a bolt.. Tywa Proverb. A herdsman needs a staff, a door needs a bolt.
Tywa Proverb

337. The person who deals in camels should make the doors high.. Syrian Proverb. The person who deals in camels should make the doors high.
Syrian Proverb

338. Sweep in front of your own door before you look after your neighbor's.. Holland Proverb. Sweep in front of your own door before you look after your neighbor's.
Holland Proverb

339. The pot of water falls from your head when you have just reached the door of your homestead.. Acholi proverb. The pot of water falls from your head when you have just reached the door of your homestead.
Acholi Proverb

340. The sea aint got no backdoor; I can swim like lead.. Bajan Proverb. The sea aint got no backdoor; I can swim like lead.
Bajan Proverb

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